Regional Operations
Fleet Captain Darrell Millner
R1 RDC Engineering
USS Heimdal NCC-1793

Look for a new updates by SD:202410.01
Welcome to the R1 (RDC) Regional Department of Engineering Program – 2024 UPDATES Coming Soon….
Please note after welcome session copies of communications are posted in reverse sequence allowing most recent data to be easily accessible. (Rev SD:202304.04)
Let’s begin with basics, my name is Darrell W. Millner, I was appointed on SD: 202207.16 as the new Regional Department Chief (RDC) of Engineering for Region One just prior to the 2021/2022 Region One Summit. I am also honored to be the Chief Engineer* on the USS Heimdal NCC-1793 under the command of Adm. Linda Smith & XO Adm Willy Smith. I began my STARFLEET engagement in 1984** . I stepped away for several years in the late 90’s, moved around the U.S.A. in the 2010’s, but my wife and I have always been connected to the USS Heimdal and her amazing leadership and crew.
I have always supported Engineering in our chapter however this is my first assignment in directly supporting a Region One program. As I came on board with R1, having the solid backing, encouragement and support of then RDC Programs Director Lt Gen Robert Jackson, an enthusiastic VRC, and the approval and backing of RC Brigadier Phillip Cox I cautiously accepted this challenge in late summer 2022. I began the process of working with my fellow Chief Engineers striving to make contact via getting comms up and running thru-out the Region between the Engineering departments. I have also had the joy of working with and supporting the ( recently established ) SFI STARFLEET Corps of Engineers.
Sadly the former RDC Engineering Jason Schreck (an amazing leader, a wealth of information, and rock in the Star Trek and Star Wars fandom community) passed away in September 2021. So after nearly a year, the lights were turned on again, shelfs were dusted and we began where the program had lost focus and the process to rebuild on the strength and path Jason had established through many years of faithful service. He and the many RDC’s that came before have held the banner high for this group.
The initial phase of this program relaunch was to reconnect with the Chief Engineers of Region One, to provide information exchange, reporting guidance, and association. We have established coordinates for a monthly video conference and gathering for the Chief Engineers, Assistant Chief Engineers, and or vessel representatives standing in if none currently exist. A sort of “Raktajino & Scones with the RDC of Engineering”. This monthly Zoom affords the team to get to know one another, pose questions, and discuss our course as a department / Program. See ETC:008 SD:202210.16 below for log in information.
- What is the RDC Program? We are not just about collecting reports, we seek to have programs that will add value to the region and letting you know as Chief Engineers “you are not alone out there“. As we continue to develop this program the intention is to help each other to gather information, resources and or ideas that can help us honor our positions. We are here to serve, support, and inspire – not to tell any ship or department that they should or shouldn’t do something. Having said that, know if we can serve as a sounding board, provide suggestions, understand the frustrations, we will.
I want to welcome all of you to the program and I look forward to supporting you and your crew on this amazing STARFLEET journey.
“It’s no tribble at all”
FCAPT Darrell Millner
R1 RDC Engineering
= = = = = = = = = = =
* Several Tours in this position
** Looking for the original card
*** ECT# Engineering Comm Traffic
Copies of communications are posted in reverse sequence allowing most recent data to be easily accessible from the top of the webpage. ECTs*** are numbered and are intended to share copies of all publicly transmitted and general comm traffic and to share additional detailed updates from the RDC Engineering – DWM.
R1 RDC Engineering Zoom ** will be available to those that want to participate on the 3rd Wednesday (17 April) come have a virtual scone and coffee with your fellow Engineers. ** Zoom Coordinates Topic: R1 RDC Engineering Zoom– 3rd Wed 7 pm et
Meeting ID: 812 0859 1949 Passcode: shuttlebay
Postings have been temp removed as the RDC reworks the format, however I hope you will gain concept from the postings provided. – DWM
Initial Email to CO/XO’s Region One
Greetings from R1 RDC Millner
ECT:001 ED/SD: 202207.24
Hailing Frequencies Open,
As CO & XO here in STARFLEET Region One – I’m reaching out to you specifically today both to introduce myself and seeking your wisdom and assistance. Thank you for taking a few moments to review and respond. It is greatly appreciated.
Let’s begin with introductions,
My name is Darrell W. Millner, recently appointed as the Regional Department Chief (RDC) of Engineering for Region One. I am also honored to be the Chief Engineer on the USS Heimdal NCC-1793 under the command of Adm. Linda Smith & XO Adm Willy Smith. As CO & XO I wanted to take a moment to say hello, let you know that my wife and I will be at the R1Summit in August, and it is my hope that we will be able to meet in person.
As CO & XO if you would please advise me of your current Engineering status.
- Do you have a Chief Engineer?
- How many members of Engineering on your vessel?
- What is your Class of Starship?
If you DO have a person leading your Engineering Team, please forward my contact information to them and let them know I would very much like to communicate with them should they be so inclined. It is my hope to be a resource, a point of contact and sounding board for fellow Engineers here in the region.
Please know, I appreciate your time, being a CO & or XO is an amazing commitment to those on your team and thank you for your leadership, Qapla’

Capt Darrell Millner
RDC of Engineering Region One
USS Heimdal NCC-1793
Chief Engineering Officer
R1 / Delta-Sector